
Collective Action for Safe Spaces | 360 Communications

360 Communications

Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS)

CASS is a mostly volunteer-run organization in DC working to build a communities free of harassment and assault through intersectional advocacy. The team is best-known for our work to make DC bars safer, advocate for the rights of the most marginalized populations in DC, and change policies at the city level with the Street Harassment Prevention Act. My work over the past three years has been leading the communications efforts to share our successes with supporters, potential funders, and advocates in the DC area in the media, online, through email, and at events. Here are some highlights of our communications activities. 

Sharing Our Successes in the Annual Report

Getting Media Attention

Op-Ed Writing and Placement

From the bedroom to the boardroom, we face sobering consequences for our refusal to listen to women.
— Huffington Post

Creating Strong Web Presences for Our Programs

Collecting and Sharing Stories from the Community


Reclaiming Public Spaces

CASS collects stories from the community using our submission tool. It has helped inform us about areas in the community where harassment occurs, and who is most likely to experience harassment in public spaces (spoiler alert: it's women of color, trans people, and religious minorities).